Hey guys, here is a FULL build featuring:
- Sports
- Movies
- TV
- 4K Playback
- Trakt
- RealDebrid Setup
- Orion
- AutoWidget
Seren is my primary video player addon in conjunction with TMDB addon. I included sports in this build in a “limited fashion” for performance but will do an all out build with new updates to Fuse 2 as they come out. As always I transfer over this build to my ATV 4K 2nd Gen and it is so very fast it is insane. Teaser in the beginning!
Repos Used:
https://bugatsinho.github.io/repo/ – SportsHD
http://mullafabz.xyz/Repository/ – RisingTide
https://loopaddon.uk/loop19 -TheLoop
http://magnetic.website/repo – Magnetic
http://team-crew.github.io – Crew
https://jurialmunkey.github.io/repository.jurialmunkey/ – AH2 Skin
Scrapers for Seren:
TMDB Players:
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/+esmNrU6Ntrw1NDkx
Donations Are Always Appreciated!: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SH9ZZ4YDJZD5C